A compressor is a mechanical device that increases the pressure of any gas or a mixture of gases by increasing its pressure and reducing its volume. Compressors are similar to pumps: both are used for transportation by increasing the pressure of a transported fluid. As gases are compressible, their volume is reduced inside the compressor. Many compressors can have multiple stages in which the fluid can be compressed several times. The upcoming stage is physically always smaller than the current one, and each stage compresses the gas and increases its pressure even more.
There are two main types of compressors: positive displacement compressors and dynamic compressors. Positive displacement compressors can be separated into rotary compressors and reciprocating compressors, which can be separated further into several more types. Dynamic compressors can be separated into centrifugal compressors and axial compressors. All compressors can be operated by an electric motor using a variable frequency drive (VFD) or power inverter, or by built-in oil pumps.
The application of compressors is wide, such as in pipeline transportation of purified natural gas from the production site to the consumer, petrochemical, refrigeration systems, gas turbine systems, manufacturing of PET plastic bottles, aircraft engines, and others. Aturbine is a rotary mechanical device or turbomachine that extracts useful energy from a fluidflow. It consists of at least one moving part (rotor) with special blades attached which are moved by the fluid. There are several types of turbines: steam turbines are used to drive electrical generators in thermal power plants, aircraft gas turbines used as engines, transonic turbines, contra-rotating turbines, stator-less turbines, ceramic turbines, shrouded turbines, water turbines, windturbines, and many others.
Theapplication of turbinesis wide, such as inelectrical power plants, gas turbine enginesontheland, sea, and air, piston engines, space shuttle main engines, industrial refrigeration, andothers.
Prior to any advanced process control (APC) project, even for compressors and turbines, base-levelPID tuning and optimizationis a critical pre-requisite step. Unless base-level PID control loops are well tuned, advanced process control (APC) cannot work well, since APC will be manipulating the setpoints of the base-level PID control loops. Therefore, the first necessary step in the overall process control improvement procedure for compressor and turbine units is PID tuning and optimization of primary or base-level PID controllers. The benefits of PID tuning and optimization in compressor and turbine units include reduced oscillation amplitude or increased controller action by a factor of 2 or 3. This allows smoother running of the compressor and turbine units with increased stability in all control loops, avoiding unnecessary compressor and turbine unit problems such as damage, rapid wear and tear of the equipment, plant irregular shutdowns, or off-spec product properties and grades.
Many engineers are worried about causing shutdowns and operating problems when tuning PID controllers on equipment like compressors, turbines, and others. Trial-and-error PID tuning methods can be ineffective and even catastrophic since these processes are super-fast and very unforgiving. PiControl Solutions LLC has extensive experience in PID tuning and optimization for PID controllers in compressor and turbine units. We understand and know how to tackle typical PID control loop problems and have customized PID tuning and optimization software tools to help optimize all compressor and turbine unit controllers.
PiControl Solutions software is the most powerful PID tuning tool for high-speed rotating equipment in the world. For analysing high-speed data from compressors, turbines, extruders, and other rotating equipment, consider our software. The software can be used for very high-speed data – as fast as 1 millisecond or even faster. Our unique and novel closed-loop system identification technology makes it possible to tune and optimize base-level PID control loops quickly, efficiently, and precisely. With our closed-loop technology, we can perform system identification and PID tuning optimization of the following critical base-level PID controllers easily. Moreover, all process and data analysis and PID tuning and optimization work can be easily performed remotely by PiControl Solutions LLC process control engineers.
PiControl Solutions LLC has extensive experience in advanced process control optimization for compressor and turbine units. We understand the economic factors that drive the profit margin and have customized multivariable closed-loop system identification and APC design and optimization tools to help optimize and improve compressor and turbine units.
Because of the relatively small size of many compressor and turbine units, it is more cost-effective to implement DCS-based APC rather than model predictive control (MPC) techniques. DCS-based APC (advanced process control) approach is fast, cost-effective, all inside the existing DCS/PLC, avoiding the complications of OPC/other data communication links from computer to DCS.
We focus on analysing the process and providing the right economic advanced control solution for each compressor and turbine unit. Our DCS-based APC methodology has proven particularly successful in compressor and turbine.
Our DCS-based APC design will result in the following compressor benefits:
Therefore,a properly implemented and optimized compressor control system prevents unnecessary process trips, minimizes the effect of process disturbances, avoids surge and surge damage, provides consistent and automated compressor start-up and shutdown, increases efficiency by minimizing recycle or blow-off, and allows operation at the lowest possible energy level.
After DCS work on advanced process control schemes is complete and all APC parameters are calculated and optimized, PiControl Solutions LLC will conduct afactory acceptance test (FAT) to ensure that the APC design is complete, correct, and operable. After completion of the process control project, PiControl Solutions LLC will conduct dedicated process control training for compressor and turbine companies. PiControl Solutions has designed, optimized, and started more than several well-proven compressor and turbine control algorithms utilizing the above features to protect a compressor against surge and a turbine from other negative effects, while maintaining increased compressor and turbine capacity.
PiControlis an innovativeprocess controlsoftware and servicescompany that offersstate-of-the-artmodern solutionsat a lower cost, implemented inless timecompared toothers.