PiControl Solutions

Cloud and Mobile Process Control Monitoring and Diagnostics

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PiControl Solutions LLC in cooperation with Etairon LLC and Transpara LLC has successfully upgraded functionality of APROMON (Online PID/APC Loop Control Quality and Performance Monitoring Software).

From now on, there will be an option for web client access to APROMON instance.  The solution is an integration of APROMON with Cloud-based Control Loop Performance Monitor (C2-LPM).  C2-LPM is a real-time operation monitoring and performance management software product that lives on-premise or in your cloud.  It can read from thousands of data sources and deliver KPIs, personalized dashboards, analytics, and alerts to any device.

This solution enables the user to easily monitor control loop performance anytime from anywhere.  All he needs is a secure connection to company’s “Business network” where the C2-LPM technology is placed.  This option will allow more efficient workflow and time saving because there is no need to analyze detailed performance reports and sheets anymore.

PID/APC Loop Monitoring Dashboards have color coding which will intuitively alert user of the loops that need immediate attention. Also, new approach offers ability to aggregate loops in logical groups which will allow faster review of loops or plants of interest. Control loop performance criteria are split in clusters based on relative control characteristic. The loop performance criteria clusters are: PID Loop Performance, APC Loop Performance, Sensor Performance, Final Control Element Performance, Control Mode Performance and KPIs cluster.

PID Loop Performance criteria are showing how well control loop is performing, i.e. difference between PV and SP in time domain. APC Loop Performance criteria are showing how well are advanced process control strategies (cascade control, feedforward control, constraint control, etc.) performing.

Cloud and Mobile Process Control Monitoring and Diagnostics
Cloud and Mobile Process Control Monitoring and Diagnostics 2

Sensor Performance criteria are used for detection of problems with sensor or transmitter, while Final Control Element criteria detect problems with valve or other final control elements. Control Mode Performance criteria give information about how often mode of control is changed, and which is used the most. Also, it can be detected how often operators are “cheating” or helping the process control by manually bumping the valve. Lastly, KPI criteria are statistical indicators of overall quality of process control or product.

Monitoring Dashboards can be modified according to user’s preferences, allowing the insight in the most important criteria for the user. PID/APC (Advanced Process Control) loop performance monitoring and diagnostics remains untapped potential for improvement of the plant’s functionality and profitability.  Solutions with web client access allow better availability of control loop performance reports, and therefore make them more user-friendly.

Less time needed for reading and analyzing reports allows faster response for suppressing the problems of control loops and more time for improvement of process performance. Consequently, by applying these approaches and solutions plant’s performance will work longer at optimal conditions resulting with better process safety and higher profitability.

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